Over 3,658,654 professional reports created
Recommended by over 346,236 happy customers
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100% Money-Back Guarantee.
Self-Guided Package
Expert-Guided Package

Initiate your career exploration with our essential tools and insights

Personalized profile

Career personality

Self-service resource

Career personality

Career personality

Career personality


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Develop your career path with enhanced insights and recommendations

All Free features

Up to five career

Limited market insights

Limited market insights

Limited market insights

Limited market insights


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A complete toolkit for those ready to independently navigate their career options

All Basic features

Comprehensive career insights

Full market insights

Full market insights

Full market insights

Full market insights


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Comprehensive career support with personalized analysis and expert guidance

All Comprehensive features

60-minute scoping session with
an expert career coach

In-depth expert analysis for
tailored career strategy

60-minute scoping session with
an expert career coach

60-minute scoping session with
an expert career coach

60-minute scoping session with
an expert career coach


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Our most extensive service, offering continuous expert-led career advancement

All Premium features

Ongoing expert career coaching for sustained development

Expert-guided professional asset optimization (resume, cover letter, LinkedIn, etc.)

Ongoing expert career coaching for sustained development

Ongoing expert career coaching for sustained development

Ongoing expert career coaching for sustained development

Kickstart Your Career

How does JobTest.org's career test report work?
We will ask you a series of questions about your personality, your values, your skillset, and experiences. After you've given your answers, our cutting-edge algorithm will compare those answers to real-world data and compile your results in an easy-to-understand report.  
What's the difference between the Free plan and the Light plan?
The Free plan lets you see your limited profile and income potential. The Light plan is provided by our partnering sponsors, such as Bold.org, and is for qualified students who complete the quiz.
Can I upgrade from the Free plan to a paid plan later on? If so, how?
If you want to unlock your enhanced profile, basic career resources, and ideal career paths, you will be able to purchase one of our paid plans when you complete the quiz.
What payment methods do you accept for your plans?
We accept credit/debit cards, Apple Pay, Google Pay, and more! If you do not see your desired payment method, please send us an email at support@jobtest.org with the subject line "Payment Method" and we will work with you to find a solution!
If I choose the monthly subscription, can I cancel anytime? Are there any cancellation fees?
Yes. With our Pro and Premium monthly subscription plans, you can cancel anytime, no questions asked! For our one-time payment plans, we offer a 100% Money-Back Guarantee if you are not satisfied with your results.
Are there any discounts available for long-term commitments or group purchases, such as for educational institutions or companies?
We do not offer group discounts – yet! If you are an organization or educational institution that would like to explore pricing for group purchases, please email us at support@jobtest.org with the subject line "Large Group Purchase" for more information.
What kind of support or customer service can I expect across the different pricing tiers?
Whether you choose a free plan or a paid plan, we are here to help you if you have trouble getting your report, accessing your report, or upgrading your report.
If I'm an adult looking to switch careers, which tier would you recommend for the most comprehensive insights and guidance?
Most adults who are looking to change careers choose our Comprehensive plan. The one-time purchase will give you access to most, though not all, of our features and services. If you purchase the Comprehensive plan and find that you want more features, you can upgrade at anytime!

The best career test.

Find out about your career path in less than 20 minutes.
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Job Satisfaction
Career Advancement